Progressive Architecture Magazine USA 1973
Oculus Unbuilt Award NYC 1985
New York Architektur Germany 1989
Newamericans Exhibit Italy 1979
Casabella Magazine 364 Italy 1972
Young Architects Exhibit USA 1980
Oppositions Exhibit NYC 1979
VIA NY Exhibit Mexico 1986
Drawings as Architecture NYC 1976
Casabella Magazine 326 Italy 1968
Congresso Cidades do Futuro Brazil 1987
NY Architects #3 NYC 1988
Radicals Architettura e Design 1960-75 Italy 1996
New York Architects Korea 1991
Unbuilt America USA 1976
Architecture and Body USA 1988
Article New York Times NYC 1978
Sesquicentennial Park USA 1985
Arca International Magazine Italy 1993
Green Technologies New Urbanism USA 2001
The building of Architectural Vision NYC 1987
Article Architectural Association London 1985
The Image of the Home NYC 1978
Innovative Transportation New Communities for Puerto Rico USA 1971
Lecture on Architecture USA 1978
R/UDAT Planning the Future USA 1978
Omni Magazine USA 1988
Parsons in Italy Program USA 1982
Arca International Magazine Italy 1996
Abstract Columbia University NYC 1990
China Architectural International Conference China 2005
Process Pratt Institute School of Architecture USA 1972-2011
Late Entries Chicago Tribune USA 1980
Terrazzo Architecture Design Magazine Italy 1990
Green Technologies New Urbanism USA 2001
New Generations Conference USA 1979
L'architettura Interrotta Italy 1971
Pratt Summer Program Italian Architecture USA 1995
Interaction Art and Technology USA 1980